Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Can the Daily Rates form be inquiry only?

Please try to do below steps:

1. Enter a new function for Daily Rates using Sysadmin responsibility

Navigation: Application > Function

2. Query the function: GLXRTDLY with  a User Function Name: Daily Rates

3. Create a new function logically the same as the old one however on the Form tab, indicate QUERY_ONLY="YES" on the Parameters field

4. Attached the newly created function on the Currency Rates Menu

Navigation: Application > Menu


Add the newly created by indicating the function name  on the Function field

5. To apply these inquiry only access on a specific responsibility, query the responsibility

Navigation: Security > Define > Query the responsibility

6. On the menu exclusions indicate the Function name of the old one (Daily Rates original as this is not limited to inquiry only) leaving the newly created one which is for inquiry only

8. Access the form

Hope this helps.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Query to get Account Segment Description

SELECT gl_flexfields_pkg.get_description_sql 
chart_of_accounts_id,--- chart of account id
1,----- Position of segment
segment1 ---- Segment value
FROM gl_code_combinations

Sunday, 2 September 2018

How to check the user which posted GL Journal Batch - Oracle EBS R12

How to check the user which posted GL Journal Batch. 

Able to extract posted_date from gl_je_headers, but need to find also the user which posted the related journal.


From GL_JE_HEADERS table, the LAST_UPDATED_BY field is the last person who made some changes.

From GL_JE_BATCHES table, the POSTED_BY field represents the user who posted the journal batch.

select b.DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE, d.user_je_category_name, c.USER_NAME Posted_by --264975
from gl_je_batches a, gl_je_headers b, fnd_user c, gl_je_categories d
and a.POSTED_BY = c.USER_ID(+)
and b.JE_CATEGORY = d.je_category_name
--and d.user_je_category_name = 'Auto Reversal'
--and b.DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE = 18000160

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Updating the Journal Template Layout Generates Error - NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION - Oracle EBS R12

While trying to update the Web ADI template layout for the General Leger Journal template the following error is received:


The following error has occurred
Exception Name: java.lang.NumberFormatException
Log File Bookmark: 366432


Updating the Journal Template Layout Generates Error - NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION (Doc ID 2181278.1)