How to check the user which posted GL Journal Batch.
Able to extract posted_date from gl_je_headers, but need to find also the user which posted the related journal.
From GL_JE_HEADERS table, the LAST_UPDATED_BY field is the last person who made some changes.
From GL_JE_BATCHES table, the POSTED_BY field represents the user who posted the journal batch.
select b.DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE, d.user_je_category_name, c.USER_NAME Posted_by --264975
from gl_je_batches a, gl_je_headers b, fnd_user c, gl_je_categories d
and a.POSTED_BY = c.USER_ID(+)
and b.JE_CATEGORY = d.je_category_name
--and d.user_je_category_name = 'Auto Reversal'
--and b.DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE = 18000160
How to check the user which posted GL Journal Batch.
Able to extract posted_date from gl_je_headers, but need to find also the user which posted the related journal.
From GL_JE_HEADERS table, the LAST_UPDATED_BY field is the last person who made some changes.
From GL_JE_BATCHES table, the POSTED_BY field represents the user who posted the journal batch.
select b.DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE, d.user_je_category_name, c.USER_NAME Posted_by --264975
from gl_je_batches a, gl_je_headers b, fnd_user c, gl_je_categories d
and a.POSTED_BY = c.USER_ID(+)
and b.JE_CATEGORY = d.je_category_name
--and d.user_je_category_name = 'Auto Reversal'
--and b.DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE = 18000160